Good Words

Borborygmus (N)
The sound of gurgling from your intestines.
Petrichor (N)
The smell of earth after a rainstorm.
Hirsute (Adj)
Brisance (N)
The shattering capability of a high explosive.
Callipygian (Adj)
Having shapely buttocks.
Antipodean (Adj)
Relating to Australia or New Zealand.
Lodestar (N)
A star used for navigation.
Apophasis (N)
Bringing something up by saying you won't bring it up.
Nasothek (N)
A collection of sculpted noses.
Tapetum (N)
The part of an animal's eye that shines in the dark.
Factotum (N)
A person having many diverse activities or responsibilities.
Derecho (N)
A fast-moving line of powerful thunderstorms.
Adumbrate (V)
To render in shadow.
Disembogue (V)
To come out into the open sea from a river.
Bridewell (N)
A minimum security prison.
Curate's Egg (N)
Something that is both bad and good.
Scoria (N)
Impurities removed while smelting metal.
Thalweg (N)
The deepest point in a river or valley.
Allatrate (V)
To bark like a dog.
Discalceate (V)
To respectfully take off your shoes.
Karst (N)
Limestone-rich landscape conducive to cave formation.
Hapax Legomenon (N)
A term which only appears once in a given corpus.
Apothegmatic (Adj)
Terse and witty and like a maxim.
Uxorious (Adj)
Having the qualities of a Wife Guy.
Propitiate (V)
Regain the favor of an entity by performing a pleasing act.
Enchiridion (N)
A handbook or manual.
Asportation (N)
The act of moving something unlawfully.
Columbarium (N)
An above-ground structure with niches to hold cremation urns.
Otium (N)
A Latin term for unstructured leisure time.
Gamine (Adj)
Attractively boyish.
Mimesis (N)
Imitation of the real world in art.
Rakehell (N)
A licentious or dissolute man.
Extinction Burst (N)
Binging on a habit after loss of reinforcement.