Scream "COOL!"

"Cool!" you scream. "I found something horrible inside my mallet! I should sell it at the shop that buys horrible things!" You then realize that everything beyond the initial "Cool" was unnecessary because nobody is around to hear you. You also realize that you couldn't care less. And so, you set off for the shop that buys horrible things. And sells them. Presumably.

Upon arrival at the store that buys (and maybe sells) horrible things you approach the counter. "Hey" you say to the buying/selling dude at the counter. "I found this horrible thing inside my mallet. How much will you give me for it?"

"Well," says the checkout man, "Could you be more specific? I mean, What exactly is this horrible thing you want to sell?"

"That's easy!" you reply, "It's a-"

Level 7 WIP Needs Rewrite