Get Sliced

"I choose the slow-moving laser."

"Very well." he says. Suddenly you feel lightheaded. Another dart to the neck. Sheesh.

When you awake, you find yourself strapped down spread-eagle on the platform. The laser slowly crawls in along the track in the ceiling. It hums for dramatic effect.

This dramatic effect is only slightly diminished when you realize it's humming "Amazing grace".

You glance around, but there's no tools in reach to assist in your escape. Your only hope is a battle of wits with Ronny.

"You're a big, bed-wetting doody head!" you shout at the top of your lungs.

"I am rubber, you are glue." he says back. Obviously insults aren't the answer.

"Do you expect me to talk?" you ask.

"No, you bloody git," he says, "I expect you to die."

You must choose your next witticism more carefully.

"Have I mentioned you're a big, bed-wetting doody head?"

"Yes, you have."

"You're a failure as an evil villain."

He pauses for a moment and considers this. Finally, he bursts into tears, "YES! It's true! I'm a horrible villain! That is to say, I'm bad at it. Oh, why can't I be more like my twin brother? Everyone likes him! Oh, no, nobody ever bothers summoning me, no it's always Johnnny! WELL THAT'S IT, I GIVE UP!" He runs from the room, still blubbering like a loony.

You smirk in pleasure at your latest victory. That is, until you realize there's now nobody around to turn off the laser, which is now getting dangerously close to your naughty bits.
