Figure Out What This Thing On the End of Your Arm Is

You pull your arm back toward your face to get a better look. It's hard, like pulling a long rope up from the bottom of a deep lake. Slowly, slowly it draws closer, and you can begin to gain a better understanding.

The thing is not at the very end, you see that now. Your wonderful, amazing hand sits farther from you. It wraps around, gripping tightly to your wrist. The way it delineates where your arm ends and your hand begins is almost enough to bring you pause, but you feel such a oneness with all things that marking such boundaries feels so unnecessary.

It's a band around your wrist, and on one side, you're not sure which one exactly, just that it's a side of your arm, there's a circle. In this circle, there are little numbers. There are so many little numbers, and they keep changing, but some are staying the same. This is a lot for you right now. You know they hold meaning... You know there's a reason, but they keep changing and staying the same too fast for you to be able to hold onto that meaning.

There are buttons around the edge of the circle, you can see them now. You press one, and the circle emits a sharp electronic beep, a plaintive wail of shock and pain. You startle, and cradle the thing on your arm, cooing to it and whispering assurances to it. It calms back down. All the numbers are the same now, and not moving. That feels better. That feels right. The numbers are... zero. You're pretty sure of that. Circles, crudely approximated by uh... by.... little lines. Two and one and two and one. Whatever that is.

On the other side, the side without a circle, there is a little metal clasp. You pry at it gently, and now it is loose, you tilt your amazing wonderful hand and let the circle, the band, and the clasp all tumble off and land in the loving embrace of Mother Earth below.

That felt... amazing. Letting go felt amazing. You feel lighter, less burdened. How do you feel that again?

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