Press as many buttons as possible and hope you don't die!

You press as many of the buttons as possible. This probably wasn't a good idea, as now the tank is gone, the sky is orange, and all the rabid raccoons have turned into sentient turnips that are still rabid. you press more buttons that summon a tidal wave three inches high, turn the officer into a giant cowboy boot, and imbue life into Johnny's hair, which isn't nearly as pleasant as it may sound. Still you find nothing that can remove the rabid sentient turnips that are even now trying to figure out how to bite things.

"AAAAAAAUGH!" Johnny screams, obviously not helping matters, "MY HAIR IS TRYING TO KILL ME!"

Running out of options, you try bashing a sentient turnip that happens to be rabid with the remote. Miraculously, it vanishes in a poof of smoke. "That's the answer, Johnny!" you yell, "Hit the turnips with the remote!" You toss the remote to Johnny so he can remove the turnips that plague him.

"GUHUGHUGUHGUUH" Johnny gurgles in reply, totally failing to catch the remote. You run up and grab the remote again, and begin smacking the turnips that plague Johnny. Finally, after a moment of frenzied whacking, the turnips are gone.

"GWAM!" Johnny says, totally losing his grip on reality.

"Well," you say to yourself, "I figure that if I destroy this remote, all the changes will vanish! That's what always happens in the cheap science fiction movies that need a quick resolution!

Sadly the one thing you hadn't considered is that this is NOT a science fiction movie, and this does not in fact need a quick resolution, because there's already a quick resolution that is about to smash you. That's right, it turns out the Cowboy boot that was once the officer is still sentient, and has decided to simply squash both you and Johnny.

Level 6 WIP Options Needs Rewrite