Take your date to the Ritzy-o-Rama

You and your date head off to the Ritzy-o-rama for an elegant night on the town. In the car, you try and make small-talk.

"WHO ARE YOU?" you shout politely.

"I'm Pat," They say, "I'm 24 years old and I work as the dental assistant in charge of plant matter buildup at the Dr. Krang and Sons dental center."

"Oh, smashing." You say with your best British accent.

"Oh, are you British?" they ask innocently.

"No," you say, "But I can summon Johnny Wallbank, watch!" You wave your hands in the air and snag a couple magic tendrils to summon Johnny Wallbank in front of you. Sadly, you summoned him in front of your car as you travel on I-94 at 65 miles an hour.

"Oh bloody hell-" he manages to squeeze out before your car tears him into manageable chunks. "Cool, huh?" you ask.

"OH MY LORD YOU JUST RAN OVER THAT MAN!" You date screams, "Pull over! I'm getting out!"

"No, no, it's okay! You see, when a summoned creature dies, it doesn't actually die. It returns from whence it was summoned unharmed."


"Look, if it makes you feel better, I'll summon him again to prove to you he's fine." Your date begins a protest, but you already gesture at the back seat. In a poof of smoke and a soft "BAMF" Johnny appears.

"YOU BLOODY BASTARD!" he screams, lunging forward and grabbing your neck, "I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL KILL YOU!" Johnny practically climbs onto your lap as he chokes you. Luckily your date has the presence of mind to grab the wheel as you use your hands to wrestle off the angry Englishman.

"Gak-Johnny! Please... I... Akkk!" You state eloquently as Johnny squeezes your neck with inhuman strength. Words fail you, so you seek the only other tool you have... HyperPoke! You jab him deep in the abdomen, sending him out through the windshield. Johnny manages to grab onto the hood, hanging on precariously. He swears, but the rushing wind drowns out his words. Then, you see him raise one hand into the air to begin gesturing wildly. You recognize the spell too late: oFish. Suddenly a torrential downpour of yummy fish covers the freeway, limiting your visibility to zero. The wheels skid and slide on the slimy fish guts, and your poor date can't keep up with it. Your car fishtails, then rolls over. Johnny is unsummoned as the oFish barrage swept him from the hood and onto the unforgiving asphalt but this is hardly the foremost thing on your mind as your car rolls down the freeway at 60 miles per hour on a layer of slippery fish guts.

Level6 WIP