Use your fortune to live it up

With a hearty cry of "Goodbye moderation!" you grab your Nobel Prize money and run out into the street. No decadent act of mindless self-indulgence lies beyond your grasp now, and your wealth is just screaming to be spent on mindless whims and self-destructive behavior. You're going to do absolutely everything your dear old parents/legal guardians told you not to do.

You spend the next two weeks doing everything immoral, illegal, or self-destructive you can possibly think of. Gluttony, heavy drinking, abusing eight illegal drugs at once, and even gold eating become your pastimes. Your waking moments are spent going to wild parties, gambling, and lying stoned in the gutter. You are the most extreme party animal in 200 mile radius, and you like it just fine.

Unfortunately, your fragile human body can't keep up with your lifestyle. After a night of extreme drunkenness at your favorite club, you pass out in the restroom and drown in your own vomit.


Try Again?

Level 7 WIP Ending Needs Rewrite