Be crushed by the thousands of tons of water

Your fragile body is shattered by the amazing pressure. The last thought that makes it through your damaged mind is "at least I didn't drown."

You respawn in a college bookstore, in front of you stands a student who is engaged in the task of being angry at the hapless clerk at the bookstore counter.

"I just spent fifty dollars on this stupid software package!" he angrily states. "Because it was needed in class today! But you failed to mention that the books I've been waiting to get from you for two weeks contained it for free! So now I've got two copies of the same software, which considering that it's specialized for the course, I'll never be able to use again, and I'm fifty dollars in the hole!" His eyes burn with a horrible rage you have never seen before. "All I want, Mrs. Register Lackey, is to return one of these software packages. Is that so hard?"

The lady's expression never changes. "Can't do it," she says in a boring monotone. "No returns on software, even if it's not even out of it's shrink wrap yet."

Fascinating! Maybe you should continue to follow these events! Or not.

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