Mmm... Meathods

You abandon your quest for Anime to instead quest for juicy, delicious Meathods, the hod made of 100% real ground meat!

You rush to your grocer's freezer and rip open the door protecting the meathod shelf. The glass splinters and shatters as you wrench the twisted metal frame off its hinges in a crazed meathod-driven frenzy. Alas! They are sold out! You crash your fists into the rear of the freezer and tear apart the wall leading to the rear warehouse section of the grocer.

A man accosts you thusly: "Hey, you can't be back here!"

You grab him by the nape and scream, "Give me Meathods! My organs demand their meaty nature!"

The man screams and gibbers for a few moments, then composes himself. "I'm sorry, but all the Meathods in the nation have been recalled. Government orders."

"Fools!" you rage, "If Meathods are outlawed only outlaws will have Meathods! Tell me the location of the nearest Black Market!"

"I belive they prefer African American Consumer Center."

For his horrible statement you use your iron grip on the man's nape to toss him high up into the sky with such speed his very organs and ligaments give way, reducing him to a long red streak.

Level 7 WIP Options Needs Rewrite